Portfolio Category: Rural

Rain Delay

Each image I share in my portfolio tells a story. Sometimes there is more than one story in the image; it’s all how you interpret the scene. Some of my colleagues in agriculture will not view this image as a pleasant. What they see is one more time a rain will delay...
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Stormy Rainbow

Nebraska author Willa Cather said, “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.” Why this quote popped into my head while I was shooting this image, I really don’t know. I had not recalled it for years until this rainbow appeared. What I do know is I almost missed...
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Old timers always said the arrival of new neighbors was confirmed when the barn started going up. The first structure built and the last to remain were barns like the one in this image. Situated on a hill overlooking the low ground along the Sandy Creek, this area was originally selected to be the location...
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One More Time

Volunteer leaders, like Ernie Barnes featured in this image, offer hundreds of hours of their time and their expertise to support youth programs. His passion for agriculture is so strong, he put on a colorful hat at this event at the Iowa State Fair. In the ring behind him, a young man offers his winning...
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