Monthly Archives: July 2017

Three H Words

Three H words describe last weekend: heat, humidity, and humility. The past few months I have attended several great photography workshops. I came away from each with an image I could add to my collection that exhibited what I had learned. Much like learning to play the piano or ride a bike, I needed to practice...
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Filter From Your Heart

Years ago, my favorite college instructor was explaining the basics of photography to our class. She talked about the elements of the photo, “Look for the textures. Let your eyes see the scene and have your brain record it. Be an artist and filter from your heart.” My first visit to the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens...
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The Water or the Rock

At the photography workshop I attended last Sunday, I stumbled onto this spot. I’m still a novice hiker at times and I just need to stop and regroup a bit before moving on. Most often these re-centering breaks follow a quick game of hang on to the camera. This image was captured during one of those...
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High Flying on the Mall

“He floats through the air with the greatest of ease, the daring young man on the flying trapeze.” is the earworm that has been playing my head since Monday. Watching the trapeze artists at this year’s Smithsonian Folk Life Festival, I was mesmerized along with the rest of the crowd as these superb athletes presented their...
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