Portfolio Category: Nature

NYC Happy Place

People, regardless where they live, need a happy place. The space where you a clear your mind, share quiet time with friends, cast a line hoping not to catch a fish, or just sit and stare at the sky.   On a warm evening in late spring, the New Yorkers in this image have found their...
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Making Friends

A visit to the National Mall never seems to be complete without meeting one of the Canada geese who call that area of the city home. The young lady in this image discovered this bird wanted to become better acquainted and would have preferred she offer a snack. Visitors are not allowed to feed the...
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Roadside Frost

One cold and frosty morning, I could not help but remember Sunday mornings, years ago, when I led the weekly opening prior to Sunday school. One of our favorite songs was, “Here we go off to—(what ever destination popped into their head that day) on a cold and frosty morning.” I found myself filling in...
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Quiet Light

Most days this image would just capture stump, rock, and a pile of fallen tree branches. The dim morning light transforms that stump, rock, and fallen tree branches into a quiet challenge to forge ahead and look beyond the obstacles find what is on the other side. Common sense wants to take over, telling you...
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