Hot night in the city—maybe not. New Yorkers are used to dodging the steam billowing from below the streets. Standpipes, in the busiest sections of the city, force the steam above the crowds of people and traffic that clog the streets day and night. A misunderstood icon of the streets in NYC, it is the...
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The Bridge
I was excited to be in New York City. It was Friday night and I was with friends heading out to shoot the New York skyline in the evening light. We turned a street corner and could see the outline of the Brooklyn Bridge. I was so pumped to get to the other side to...
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Quiet Light
Most days this image would just capture stump, rock, and a pile of fallen tree branches. The dim morning light transforms that stump, rock, and fallen tree branches into a quiet challenge to forge ahead and look beyond the obstacles find what is on the other side. Common sense wants to take over, telling you...
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