Portfolio Category: Rural

Porcine Curiosity

Pigs are intelligent and inquisitive animals. Each has its own personality and quirks. Some pigs crave attention waiting by the fence to have their ears scratched. Others, not as fond of attention, are happy just hanging out in the back of their pen. The piglet in this image was curious. He wanted to get closer,...
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Hometown Christmas Morning

Christmas lights glowing peacefully were a welcome sight after getting up early and finding the Christmas moon hidden by fog. At first, I thought these lights could be no substitute for the missing moon, yet, the longer I looked at them, I knew it was the shot that needed to be. Holidays are stressful. We...
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Thought Filled Reflection

The farmyard reflected in his sunglasses, Neil takes a few minutes to gather his thoughts. He’s a busy farmer working alongside his mom, dad and brother. He spends most of his time outside; his phone is a constant companion and his shirt pocket his filing cabinet. Besides being a farmer he is dad to three...
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The Goal

Drive through any neighborhood in the suburbs or rural village and you will likely see a basketball goal in a backyard or along the concrete approach to a garage. I have seen this goal hundreds of times. This morning, in late December, was different. The usual crowd of aspiring and noisy basketball players of various...
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