A pet’s personality shines brightest when they are on their own turf. That’s why Baden, a 12-year-old English lab, felt right at home on the grounds of the United States Supreme Court in Washington DC.
This place is just one of the many unique locations, selected by pet owners, for their Pet Food Institute photo shoot. Being in a familiar space helps relieve the stress for pets and their people when doing something outside their normal routine.
The most natural photos of pets are best captured at eye level. There is nothing like the rush of a really big, fun-loving fella like Baden about to run into your lens. It didn’t take long to figure out the click-and-roll technique. After one of his passes, he returned to show me the toy in his mouth. I think he sensed I needed a break.
The simple act of pet kindness proved Baden really is a Capitol Hill Gentleman. That and his favorite bow tie!
Kerry, one of Baden’s favorite humans, told me he is one of the more vocal members of the neighborhood greeting committee when they are out for a walk. Makes a lot of sense, he’s on his on own his turf.
Looking Out My Back Door
This week I at my farm in the Midwest. One of the reasons I love late summer is the opportunity capture some new beautiful landscape images. Each year is different and each of my rural captures story, that is part of my story.

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