Three H words describe last weekend: heat, humidity, and humility.
The past few months I have attended several great photography workshops. I came away from each with an image I could add to my collection that exhibited what I had learned. Much like learning to play the piano or ride a bike, I needed to practice what I learned. My goal for the weekend was to simply practice and create one image each day to add to my collection.
The heat and humidity broke my concentration as I continually wiped perspiration out of my eyes and wiped my equipment dry. Around noon, the first two Hs would win and I’d head home. The first day is when I learned there was a third H word.
I vowed to critically review each file and delete any that didn’t exhibit what I learned at the workshops. Deleting files that, in the past, would have been on my Facebook page in a minute was a humbling experience.
I started to blame the first two H words and created excuses for not getting one image the final morning. I had two choices: become humble and admit I didn’t capture one acceptable image, or go out and try to find the image for the day.
I was stunned when I opened this file. I thought it was headed for the trash, but tweaking the exposure and cropping the file, I saw this image.